Cost Estimator
Our Cost Estimator is a convenient way for you to estimate your out-of-pocket costs for a procedure or service. This user-friendly tool allows you to search from hundreds of our most commonly accessed services to find out what your estimated out-of-pocket cost is, based on your health insurance coverage. With this tool, you will be able to see the following information for each service:
- An easy-to-understand description of the primary procedure or service
- A list of available services such as room and board, secondary procedures and services, supplies, or other needs that are typically provided with the primary service
- Your out-of-pocket cost estimate for your service
Our Cost Estimator is free to use and does not require a user registration or password to access. You will be asked to provide some basic information, including information about your health insurance coverage (if you are insured), to provide the most accurate estimate possible.
Frequently Asked Questions
How did you determine which services to include in the Cost Estimator?
The Cost Estimator includes 70 pre-determined services designated by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), as well as at least 230 of the most commonly accessed services at our facilities.
What if I cannot find the service I am looking for?
If you are unable to locate a service in the Cost Estimator, you may speak to a patient services representative at 334.428.7020 .
Does the estimate I receive in the Cost Estimator include everything I will pay for?
Your cost estimate is, as its title states, only an estimate of your final cost. Final out-of-pocket cost is dependent on several factors, including your individual health insurance coverage, as well as patient-specific financial needs and other considerations. Additionally, cost estimates may not include some specific services, like physician/provider services and pathology services, that are not provided by the hospital and may be billed separately, as well as any unforeseen charges based on ultimate length of stay and any unexpected complications that may arise.
One patient's needs may be vastly different from another's, even though they come to the hospital for the same procedure. It is difficult to estimate how this can differ.
We recommend that all patients utilize the Cost Estimator tool to determine an estimate for their out-of-pocket costs, refer to the additional information on this page and then reach out to their health insurer or a patient services representative at 334.428.7020 with any further questions specific to their individual situation.
Does my estimate from the Cost Estimator for a particular service include any additional procedures or services I will need as a result of that service?
Primary services in the Cost Estimator are "bundled" with ancillary services that typically correspond with that primary service so that you can get as complete of an estimate of your out-of-pocket costs as possible. However, your estimate does not include any potential charges related to any unforeseen extension of stay or any unexpected complications that may arise from your service.
If I see a lower price from another hospital or healthcare provider, will you "price match" the lower price?
We are unable to "price match" another facility's or provider's cost estimate as our estimates are based on contractual agreements with third party payers like health insurance companies.
How long is my estimate valid?
Your estimate is, as its title states, merely an estimate. It is non-binding and intended only to provide you with a predicted range of costs to help you make a prepared and knowledgeable decision about your healthcare. Healthcare costs are based on contractual agreements with third party payers, like health insurance companies, and other factors, and thus are subject to potential fluctuations. Please see our Cost Estimator disclaimer for more information.
Also, any charges that a patient incurs are dependent on a variety of factors such as how long he or she has to stay in the hospital, any unexpected complications that may arise, specific supplies and items needed for care, and additional testing required or recommended to assess a patient's condition. One patient's needs may be vastly different from another's even though they come to the hospital for the same procedure. It is difficult to estimate how this can differ.
We do encourage all patients to contact their insurer or our business office to discuss their individual situations and determine the potential out-of-pocket costs of care they or a loved one may need.
How does a provider set its prices?
Healthcare providers' prices are based on multiple factors, including but not limited to the cost of the service (i.e. equipment and supplies, personnel, etc.) and prices of similar services offered.
Hospital prices are set to take into account the expected mix of patients seen and reflect expected payments from varied third party payers, such as insurance companies and the government. In addition, they are typically set to achieve an overall small positive margin, so a hospital can keep up with community needs, reinvest in the hospital's services and facilities, provide care for those who can't pay, and collaborate with and support organizations that share in its mission so that the hospital can continue to provide the best possible care for the community.
Why do different providers have different prices? Shouldn't one service cost about the same from one facility to the next?
Prices vary because all hospitals are different. Size, staffing, technology and equipment, services offered, the intensity of care provided, patients served, and many other factors all impact how much money a hospital needs to operate -- and how much it charges for services.
What are you doing to help patients reduce or better manage their out-of-pocket costs?
While we are subject to many legal and regulatory restrictions when it comes to patient costs, a patient services representative can help individuals determine the potential costs of care they or a loved one may need and explore what programs, payment options and discounts may be available to them.
Cost Estimator Disclaimer
The costs contained in the Cost Estimator are not necessarily equivalent to your actual final financial responsibility for any service. They are only intended to provide you with an estimated range of your out-of-pocket costs for care Final out-of-pocket cost is dependent on several factors, including discounts associated with health insurance coverage, as well as potential patient-specific discounts based on financial needs and other considerations. We recommend that all patients utilize the Cost Estimator tool to determine an estimate for their out-of-pocket costs, refer to the additional information on this page and then reach out to their health insurer or our business office with any further questions specific to their individual situation. For a hospital charge listing, click here.