Phone Directory
At Andalusia Health, we welcome your inquiries.
Below you'll find a convenient list of phone numbers that can connect you directly to more information about our many services. We look forward to hearing from you. To reach our main number and complete phone listing, simply dial (334) 222-8466 for further detail and information.
Hospital Main Number | (334) 222-8466 |
Case Managers | (334) 428-7368 |
Central Scheduling | (334) 222-6937 |
Physician Relations | (334) 428-7001 |
Human Resources | (334) 428-7015 |
Information Systems / Telecommunications | (334) 428-7375 |
Materials Management | (334) 428-7012 |
Medical Records | (334) 428-7177 |
Billing | (334) 222-6910 or (Toll Free) 855-426-0151 |
Physical Therapy | (334) 428-7040 |
Radiology Services | (334) 428-7084 |
TDD / Hearing Impaired Device | (334) 222-6908 |